12 February 2010

Thoughts on My Trip to Haiti Pt. 2

Here are some new thoughts on Haiti and the upcoming trip that Right Side Up Ministries is taking there.

Good things have happened in the last 24 hours. I have made a contact and found a place to stay. We will be able to eat and sleep here. I am also waiting on confirmation for a travel partner to go along on the trip. We will be taking food and supplies to orphanages. We will also be with a small medical team, so there will be some medical stuff involved. This is a huge answer to prayer.

Next on the agenda, finalize the team list, buy tickets, and get everything in order to go. We have several needs for this trip to be a success.

1) We need reliable communication, which means a new cell phone and an international plan. 
2) We also need a new tent, one that is more waterproof than the one I currently own. (The tent will stay in Haiti when we leave.)
3) Finish up with vaccinations. OUCH!
4) Finances to bring us over the top so we can leave some for the locals to continue the work when we leave.
5) A strong prayer team to lift us up each and every day! (MOST IMPORTANT!)
6) People that will commit to help us get the word out about the trip via facebook, twitter, myspace, or any other social media site. Just briefly tell people what is going on with a link to http://www.rightsideupministries.org.

Thank you for all of your help. More details to come in the next few days. We are working on a prayer page on facebook and an email prayer team. If you would like to help us with any of the above list then visit the Right Side Up Ministries website for more info on how to help. To be a part of the email prayer team or if you have any questions email me at scott@rightsideupministries.org.

I have to say that the reality of this trip is starting to sink in. I remember driving to the Mississippi Gulf Coast just days after hurricane Katrina thinking to myself, "What have I gotten myself into?" Just this morning I had the same thought about Haiti, "What have I gotten myself into?" I can feel the butterflies in my stomach starting to reproduce like rabbits, skipping the coccoon, larva phase and jumping straight into flight. I wouldn't call it fear, just a healthy concern for the unknown. Any time you put yourself out there to follow God's lead, your comfort zone will melt away to a life stretching experience. I look forward to being stretched outside my comfort zone. Growth is not a painless process, especially when it comes to spiritual maturity, but thank God that He is able to lead us into ALL truth and use us to the farthest extent of our potential.

When was the last time that God asked you outside of your comfort zone? Are you willing to be stretched?

If you would like to help us go to Haiti you can click the DONATE button below

Online donations are NOT tax deductible at this time!
For more info or for a tax deductible donation please visit the RSUM page.

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