23 April 2010

Today it Begins

Here's a quick rundown of this weekend and the events that will soon be taking place.

What are we doing?
In the next hour I will be constructing, hopefully with help, our weekend "Haiti Home" which I and two interns from Mississippi Gulf Coast Youth for Christ will be calling home. We will spend our two nights sleeping in it and our days hanging out in it, except the two of them have to work crazy hours tomorrow, but I will be there. This might very well be the craziest thing I have ever done. Well, maybe not the craziest, but it definitely ranks up there. Did I mention it is raining? And when I say raining I really mean intense downpour! That's cool though, because the idea is for people to get a picture of what life is like for those who are living in homes similar to the picture above. We're staying in this for 36 hours.

Why are we doing this?
Simple, because "The love of Christ compels us..." 2Cor 5:14. Because people are in need and we NEED to do something about it. The truth is, between 1.3 and 1.8 million people are displaced after the earthquake on January 12th. This means they have no place to live. It means either their house cracked or shifted, or it fell completely to the ground. Either way, it is unsafe! That is as many people as live in Philadelphia or two Indianapolis' or three Atlanta's. In short, it's a lot of people and somebody has to do something. We are raising funds to return to Haiti to help in this process. Our goal is $6,000.00, and if we reach that goal any extra raised will go to aHomeInHaiti.org and other organizations working on the housing crisis in Haiti.

How can I help?
Glad you asked! There are a few ways you can get involved.
1) Help get the word out- Tell all your friends about what we are doing and send them to the RSUM website for more info.
2) Pledge to the cause- Help us raise the funds we need to return. You can pledge a single amount or you can pledge by the hour. Either way you choose works for us.
3) Come visit us on location- We will be at 1501 24th Ave in Gulfport, MS, between the Youth for Christ office and the Xtreme Teen Center.
4) A Home In Haiti- You can send a tent to Haiti. Just visit aHomeInHaiti.org. You can send a tent, purchase a tent, or donate toward the purchase of a tent.

There are so many ways to get involved with the relief efforts in Haiti. Our goal is to return to Haiti to help, as well as to keep awareness alive about the overwhelming need that is in Haiti right now. Rainy season is here and people are sleeping in make shift homes, "Haiti Homes", like the ones above. We are determined to do what we can to help. We are committed to helping the people of Haiti stay dry, safe, fed, and clothed. Please take a moment and pray about how you can help.

You can help financially by clicking the "Donate" button below. Online gifts ARE NOT tax deductible at this time. for a tax receipt please visit the Right Side Up Ministries website and click on "Contact Us"

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